Mid to Long-Term Rentals in 400+ cities

Get access to verified, international tenants and maximise your occupancy rate

Increase your rental income

Thousands of verified, high-quality tenants, searching for accommodation every day.

Save time with online bookings

No need for in-person viewings or phone calls. Directly talk with potential tenants. Manage your rentals entirely online.

Secure tenants in advance

On average our tenants book 2 months in advance. Our calendar feature helps you to secure bookings in advance.

Just 3 easy steps


List your properties

Create your listings within 5 minutes and make your properties visible to the world!

Select your tenants

Receive contact requests, choose your favorite tenants and confirm the booking.

Receive your payments

We transfer your payment to you after your tenant has successfully moved-in.

Why choose HousingAnywhere?

7 million tenants per year looking for accommodation on our platform.
Strong demand in 30+ countries.
Partnered with 160+ University members.
1000+ property managers and housing operators trust us.
Multi-lingual customer support ready to help you anytime.

What landlords say about us

We asked our users why they like us. Here's what they said:
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Gwendoline Brieux

I have been working with HousingAnywhere since 2015 and it has become by far my favorite channel. The relationship we have built with them is what makes this collaboration enjoyable and special. Thanks to HousingAnywhere, my company has managed to double revenues

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Olivia Tani

I found HousingAnywhere looking for a website to rent out my rooms. I have been using it 6 months and I love it. Why? First of all, because I don’t need to organize viewings, listings and photos are self-explanatory; I can answer the question of the student and easily reach an agreement. Secondly, I like the idea to create an international environment into the flat. Lastly, HousingAnywhere staff is really responsive and helpful. It's nice to know there's someone to count on!

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HousingAnywhere is a very helpful platform that provides a fast efficient service. The website is easy to access and you can get support from the customer service. As a landlord I was impressed to complete 3 bookings in less than a month. I'd strongly recommend it to landlords who are looking for a successful collaboration.

Start listing your property now

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Yes, I want to earn money and save more time
Thousands of verified tenants ready to book in advance
First month's rent is guaranteed. We keep your money safe.
Multilingual customer care team that is ready to help you

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